Fast Facts

  • Indicated for intravenous intra-arterial body cavity intrathecal & gastrointestinal studies5

  • 98% of paediatric patients undergoing abdominal CT, many of whom were under the age of five, drank the required volume of diluted Omnipaque3

  • Every 2 seconds, 3 procedures utilise Omnipaque1

  • The only low osmolar contrast agent on the WHO essential drug list1

  • Omnipaque is approved for use in both adults and children9

  • Omnipaque has been used in over 690 million procedures to date2

  • +PLUSPAK™ efficiency helps in reducing costs & environmental impact, and hazards6-8

  • No LOCM was better tolerated than Omnipaque in a prospective randomized study of 8,931 CT patients4

  • Patient after patient

    Omnipaque gives you reliability and choice

    • Indicated for intravenous, intra-arterial, body cavity, intrathecal and oral uses1
    • Approved for use in both adults and children1

    Omnipaque is indicated for oral use:

    It has been shown that the administration of oral contrast medium is the least pleasant part of the patient computed tomography (CT) experience2

    • If a contrast medium for oral use is not unpleasant to taste, patients are more likely to be able to drink the volume required2
    • 81% of adult body CT patients, who expressed a preference, preferred Omnipaque over diatrizoate2 Omnipaque diluted with water came top in the taste test of various contrast media3
    • 98% of pediatric patients undergoing abdominal CT, many of whom under the age of 5, drank the required volume of diluted Omnipaque4

    Hypertonic agents draw fluid from the plasma and interstitium into the bowel, resulting in progressive loss of radiocontrast through dilution as the agent travels through the gut3,4

    • Omnipaque provided better contrast density than sodium diatrizoate in adults with suspected intestinal obstruction5
    • Omnipaque is well suited for visualisation of intestinal loops and provided for good quality scans in children of all ages4,6,7

    1. Omnipaque Summary of Product Characteristics, September 2019
    2. McNamara M et al. Am J Roentgenol 2010; 195: 1137–41
    3. Diederichs G et al. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2007; 179: 1061–7
    4. Smevik B, Westvik J. Acta Radiol 1990; 31: 601–4
    5. Jobling C et al. Eur Radiol 1999; 9: 706–10
    6. Stake G, Smevik B. In: Kaufmann HJ, ed. Contrast Media in Child Radiology. Basel, Switzerland: Karger; 1986; 107–9
    7. Smevik B, Stake G. In: Kaufmann HJ, ed. Contrast Media in Child Radiology. Basel, Switzerland: Karger; 1986; 79–80

  • Scan after scan

    Supporting patient throughput with Omnipaque 500ml capacity1

    Omnipaque 500ml can be used for up to 24 hours from initial puncture
    Chemical and physical stability has been demonstrated for 24 hours at 25oC2

  • Attaching a new contrast bottle takes 32 seconds1

    a total saving of 199 hours of radiographic time each year in Sheffield with the Omnipaque 500ml bottle1



    1. Sugden D. Presented at UK North CT Radiographer Workshop. Leeds, March 2017
    2. Omnipaque Summary of Product Characteristics, September 2019

  • Bottle after bottle

    Omnipaque’s unique +PLUSPAKTM packaging enhances user handling and workplace safety.

    +PLUSPAK™ has no sharp alloy ring pull

    • Easy-open polypropylene ring pull avoids cuts from sharp metal edges1
    • Packaging removes risk of injuries from glass breakages1


    +PLUSPAKTM has efficient labelling

    • Important information is repeated upside down for dual-direction reading
    • Colour-coded for concentration for easy recognition


    +PLUSPAKTM reduces costs and environmental impact

    • Less storage space, lower disposal costs, reduced environmental impact1,2


    *Concentrations, volumes and packaging vary from country to country

    1. Gricar J et al. Radiol Manage 2007; SEP/OCT: 34–42
    2. Marshall G. Radiography 2008; 14: 128-34 

Prescribing Information

  1. WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, 20th List, August 2017
  2. Data on File, GE Healthcare_Usage
  3. Smevik B, Westvik J. Acta Radiol 1990; 31(6): 601-4.
  4. Gomi T et al. Eur Radiol 2010; 20(7): 1631-5.
  5. Omnipaque Summary of Product Characteristics, July 2016
  6. Marshall G. Radiography 2008; 14: 128-34.
  7. Gricar J et al. Radiol Manage 2007; SEP/OCT: 34-42.
  8. Dhaliwal H et al. Int J Life Cycle Assess 2014; 19: 1965-73.
